Periodically a Lundehund loses their original home and needs to find someone to love and take care of them. For liability reasons, small organizations can't offer official placing services unless they have a sizable insurance policy. Therefore rescue and adoption is done on a person to person and word of mouth basis. It is best to contact me and as many Lundie enthusiasts that you can find. For optimal results, sign up with the message boards listed below. Dogs looking for homes are frequently are posted on them and can be matched up with someone wanting a Lundie.
If you hear of a Lundie in a shelter, and you are unable to rescue it yourself, then contact a Lundehund person in that area to help rescue the dog. If a shelter is reluctant to release a Lundehund to you, or if no one close can foster one quickly, educating the shelter about Lundehunds can convince them to hold off any permanent actions while others find a foster parent or a permanent home.
I occasionally look to home one of my dogs who has not done well in show and is not getting along with my other dogs. Please contact me if you think that situation works for you.
Contacts: on Facebook: Norwegian Lundehund Association of America or at yahoo groups: message board